Debate Without Hate

Can people of all ages have fun while learning to debate controversial topics with respect? Our Teen Outreach Peer Educators believe this is possible. “Debate without Hate” is an interactive learning game focusing on the skills of empathic listening, respectful communication, transparency, and the challenge of agreeing to disagree.

Debate without Hate is an original educational game conceived and created by young people. Shout out to our peer educators for this incredible effort.

Topics were created by teens; research was done by teens (special thanks to Bailey Batch and Unique Levy for the bulk of the research).

Game Overview


  • Debate without Hate - 20 Topic Cards (white with black borders)
  • Each Topic Card has the corresponding 4 cards associated with it:
    • Information Card A – (white with blue border) - emailed to teams
    • Information Card B – (white with red border) – emailed to teams
    • Information Card C – (white with orange border) – emailed to teams
    • Research Card – (white with purple border) – emailed to teams
  • Bonus Points
    • Green Reward Points (+2) - built into the game
    • Red Penalty Points (-2) - built into the game
  • Pro/Con Button - built into the game


  • 2 Teams of Debaters (One Pro Team/One Con Team)
    • 1 -5 Members per Team
  • 1 Moderator - Oversees game flow including:
    • Card Distribution
    • Point Allocation
    • Time Keeper
    • Declaration of Winner
  • Audience – Assist Moderator:
    • Point Allocation
    • Declaration of Winner

The Great Debate

Game Instructions

  1. Each Team of Debaters begins the game with 100 points.
  2. Each Team will access an email address associated with their team. Please enter one email per team.
  3. The Moderator supervises the toss of the Pro/Con piece by clicking the coin toss button. This determines which team is Pro (for the Subject) and which team is Con (against the Subject.)
  4. The Moderator clicks the button that selects one of the twenty Topic Cards – The Subject of the chosen Topic Card is displayed on the screen for all to see.
  5. Teams can wager a bet that their team is going to win the debate. Wagers must be a minimum of 10 points and will come out of the total team points. All wagered points from both teams are added together and displayed in the “total bet” spot. The winning team will receive all the points in the “total bet” spot at the end of each round. The Moderator will ask: Does anyone want to wager a bid on your team?
  6. Debaters (both Pro and Con) will automatically receive, through the team email addresses, the Information Card A which corresponds to the topic chosen.
  7. Moderator will then give the Debaters the chance to purchase additional information cards and/or a research card to assist them with their debate. Each card has an associated cost, in points, that will be deducted from the total team points.
    • Information Card B = two (2) game points
    • Information Card C = four (4) game points
    • Research Card = six (6) game points
    If the team chooses to purchase an information or research card, the Moderator will select the specific information/research card, send it to the appropriate team email and the appropriate points will automatically be deducted. Teams may choose zero, one, two or all three additional cards to assist them with their debate.
  8. Moderator will start the clock giving the Debaters three (3) minutes to prepare their debate.
  9. After the preparation time, the real debate begins. Each Team is permitted to take up to 3 minutes to offer their initial statements and rebuttals.
  10. Based on the “Rules of Engagement,” the Moderator/Audience may award Green Reward Points (+2) for positive/quality debating statements or Red Penalty Points (-2) for poor/negative debating statements. The total “Bonus Points” will be added to the team score at the end of each round.
  11. Each Team will have a turn to debate the topic.
  12. Moderator and audience will discuss the debate content and choose a winner of that round.
  13. The Team that wins the round is awarded the points in the “total bet” pot.
  14. The Winner of the Game is the team with the most total points at the end of the game.
  15. If there is a tie, the teams must debate the opposite stance of the final round subject. Winner takes all.
Good luck to everyone!

Rules of Engagement

Encouraging Civil Discourse:

  1. All debate is based on respect.
  2. Don’t win a debate and lose a friend.
  3. No put downs, ever.
  4. Avoid the word “never.”
  5. Avoid the word “always.”
  6. It’s OK to admit an idea is a mistake. YOU are not a mistake, neither is an opponent.
  7. Stick to the facts. If it’s an opinion, admit it. Do not present opinions as facts.
  8. Avoid exaggeration.
  9. Attack the idea, not the person.
  10. Do not disagree with obvious truths.
  11. Smile when you disagree.
  12. Stress the positive.
  13. Concede minor or trivial points.
  14. Use the word ‘some’ rather than ‘many.’
  15. Avoid bickering, quarreling and disrespectful body language.
  16. Listen to the music behind your words. Is your tone disrespectful? Correct it.
  17. Keep your perspective. This is a game, not life, although it can prepare you for real life.

Submit New Topics, Comments & Questions Regarding “Debate Without Hate” to Dr. Mary Jo